
Kids Volunteers Needed
Join the team making a difference in the lives of children at First Baptist Bryan! We’re looking for additional volunteers to serve in our Kids Ministry on these dates: December 15 December 22 January 5 January 12 Your help will make a lasting impact on our kids and their families. Ready to serve? Sign up […]
Preschool Volunteers Needed
We need one-time volunteers to help with preschool during GroupLife on December 22. This is a one-day commitment—no long-term signup required! Details: GroupLife1 (9:50-11:10): 4 Volunteers Needed GroupLife2 (11:10-12:30): 5 Volunteers Needed Make an impact on our preschoolers while providing support for our families.
Operation Christmas Child Central Dropoff
Be part of the joy of giving this season with Operation Christmas Child! First Baptist Church Bryan is honored to serve as a central drop-off location from November 18-25, where individuals will bring their packed shoeboxes filled with gifts for children worldwide. We’re looking for volunteers to help receive, organize, and process these gifts each […]
Operation Christmas Child Packing Party
Be part of a global mission project by joining us to pack shoeboxes full of gifts for children in need around the world.This event is a great way for families to serve together. All ages are welcome, and supplies will be provided, though you’re welcome to bring additional items to donate for the boxes. No […]
Operation Christmas Child: Receiving Center
First Baptist Bryan is proud to be the central drop-off location for Operation Christmas Child, and we need your help! From November 13-20, we’re looking for dedicated volunteers to assist us at our Receiving Center. It’s more than just collecting boxes; it’s about being part of a journey that brings God’s love to countless children […]
Operation Christmas Child
Packing Party: November 3, 6:00PM-8:30PM Operation Christmas Child uses a simple shoebox gift to show God’s love to a child and present the greatest gift of all – Jesus Christ. On average, one child comes to Christ for every 5 boxes distributed. Last year, First Baptist Bryan sent 858 boxes. That means 171 children came to Christ […]