Sunday Morning GroupLife Classes
GroupLife on Sunday mornings gives everyone —babies through senior adults — the opportunity to develop authentic family relationships with others in our church. Community with other believers is an essential context for spiritual transformation. GroupLife is the community context where believers learn to follow Jesus, love each other well, and live on mission for a lifetime. GroupLife classes meet at 10:10 am and 11:30 am, adjacent to our Traditional, Contemporary and Spanish Speaking Worship Services.
Sundays 10:10 am
Preschool Staff: Chelsye Rich
1st Floor: Birth to Pre-KOur teachers engage preschoolers in age-graded, developmentally appropriate teaching and activities to help them experience God and His Word. Families will check their preschoolers in at the computer kiosk and follow department safety protocols before entering their classrooms.
Kids Ministry Staff: Jay Miller
2nd Floor: K – 6th GradeKids Grouplife (Grades K-3)
Rooted Gathering (Grades 4-6)
Staff: Ethan Getrost
Matt’s House (Youth Building)
During each Sunday morning GroupLife hour, students are broken into small groups by gender and grade to study and discuss the lesson of the week with adult youth workers.
Staff: John Davison
College Life Space Rm 172Our college students meet for brunch and fellowship, followed by interactive teaching and small group discussion. This is great way to get connected to our group, build friendships, grow in your knowledge of who Jesus is and be challenged to live your life on mission.
Teacher: Joe & Karen Allen
Age: 22-35
Room: Loft A&BThis class is designed for singles, ages 22-35. Using a systematic study of God’s Word, they give focus to following Jesus in community together.
Teacher: Alicia Stephenson
Age: 35-49
Room: Loft CThis coed class is designed for singles, ages 35-49 who have never been married. Using a systematic study of God’s Word, they give focus to following Jesus in community together.
Teacher: Chris Thompson, Wes Blizzard, Richard Huey
Age: 55+
Room: 232
Class Size: 20This class of median and senior adult coed singles studies books of the Bible through a facilitator/group discussion format.
Teacher: Tell & Susan Butler
Life Stage: Engaged or Married, without Kids
Room: 276
Class Size: 20+This class is for engaged or married couples with no children. Couples will learn how to follow Jesus, build each other up in community, and share Jesus at home and in other places of personal influence.
Teacher: Tyler Pigg & Adam Venesky
Life Stage: Parents of Young Children
Room: 270
Class Size: 40This class is for couples or single parents with young children. Parents will learn how to follow Jesus, build each other up in community, and share Jesus at home and in other places of personal influence.
Teacher: Robert Cheyne
Life Stage: Parents of PS & Elementary Kids, Coed
Room: 272
Class Size: 30This parents of kids class is a great place for couples with elementary age children to connect with new friends in GroupLife. Couples will discover the Bible’s wisdom for home life, following Jesus, loving each other, and living on mission.
Teachers: Chris & Barb Reed, Matt Taylor
Life Stage: Parents of PS & Elementary
Room: 275B
Class Size: 30+This class connects parents with preschool and elementary age kids. This group utilizes a rotation that teaches through a Jesus-centered curriculum through the Old & New Testaments called The Gospel Project.
Teacher: John Fellers
Life Stage: Parents of Youth
Room: 170
Class Size: 36+This adult coed class is for parents whose youth are in the First Baptist Youth (1BY) department. It will encourage parents’ partnership in the discipleship of their teens. Specific focus will be given to a parent’s discipleship journey, parent-teen relationships, and supporting teens’ growth in Christ.
Teacher: Jason Whittle
Life Stage: Parents of Youth
Room: 240, 2nd floor Atrium
Class Size: 18This adult coed class is for parents with teens. Through group discussion, it will encourage parents’ partnership in the discipleship of their teens.
Teacher: Jeremy Palmer
Life Stage: Adults 20s – 60s
Room: 271
Class Size: 40+This class includes men and women in different stages of family life who learn to follow, love each other, and live on mission together.
Teacher: Alex Berwick
Life Stage: Adults 45-50s
Room: 275A
Class Size: 40This young median adult class is for couples learning how to live in the new freedoms that come as their nest empties. Their focus is living free as a Christ-follower, loving each other, and living on mission.
Median (50s – 60s)
Teacher: Pete Lair
Life Stage: Adults, 50s
Room: Modular 2B
Class Size: 24This casual adult coed class primarily includes adults in their 40s-60s but welcomes adults of younger and older generations.
Teacher: Richard Alexander
Life Stage: Adults, 50s+
Room: Modular 2A
Class Size: 24This coed median adult class encourages disciples of Jesus to continue learning to follow, loving each other, and living on mission.
Teacher: Matt Marsh
Life Stage: Adults, 60s+
Room: Choir Room
Class Size: 75This median adult coed class includes adults whose children are out on their own. The class will give focus on rebuilding marriage connections in this new stage of life and increasing Kingdom influence while heading into Senior Adulthood.
Teacher: Betty Barrett
Life Stage: Adult Women, 20s – 80+
Room: Modular 1
Class Size: 60This interactive class includes women of all ages and life stages who enjoy learning to follow, loving each other, and living on mission. The class uses LifeWay’s MasterWorks from renowned Christian authors to deepen personal engagement with God’s Word.
Teacher: Dicky Herron, Mickey Blackwell
Life Stage: Adults, 60s+
Room: 242
Class Size: 24This coed class is for median adults in their 50s+, and follows the LifeWay Masterwork curriculum.
Teacher: Jim & Tamera Eggebrecht
Life Stage: Adults, 60s+
Room: 235
Class Size: 18This class of married couples and singles in their 50’s–60’s features deep, verse by verse, interactive study of the books of the Bible. Discussion is encouraged and every member is free to comment.
Teacher: Alana Curry
Life Stage: Adult women, 60s+
Room: 233
Class Size: 10This 55+ women’s class begins in Room 235 for prayer before moving to the 233 for Bible study. They study a variety of Scriptural topics and work within a facilitator/discussion format. Prayer is a major part of each meeting.
Teacher: Rob Brower
Life Stage: Adult men, 65+
Room: 234
Class Size: 10This group of adult men (55+) begins in Room 235 for prayer before moving to Room 244 for Bible study. Following the Explore the Bible curriculum, this class uses a facilitator/group discussion format.
Teacher: Dale O’Reilly & Karen Lancaster
Life Stage: Adults, 50s-60s
Room: 243This class will walk through every book of the Bible using Explore the Bible curriculum. They will give focus to learning to follow Jesus, loving each other, and living on mission.
Seniors (70+)
Teacher: Jim Jackson
Life Stage: Adults, 70s+
Room: 231
Class Size: 90+The Closer Walk Senior Coed class is a close, caring class of Baby Boomer adults highly engaged in local ministry and missions. New spiritual insights are gained each week as the class works through the Bible, book by book, using the Explore the Bible curriculum.
Teacher: James Henry
Life Stage: Adults, 70s+
Room: 236 A/B
Class Size: 65
This young senior adult class for men and women meets every week together for Bible study, authentic fellowship, and making a difference in their places of influence. -
Teacher: Steve Oberhelmen
Life Stage: Adults, 70s+
Room: 241 D (left side of room)
Class Size: 90+This class of senior adults intensively studies the Bible each week through engaging lecture and discussion. Teacher Steve Oberhelman is a professor of New Testament Greek and dean at Texas A&M University.
Teacher: Bill Moore
Life Stage: Adults, 70s+
Room: 136 B
Class Size: 50The Open Door class provides senior adult men and women the opportunity to study God’s word, enjoy each other’s fellowship, and be on mission together.
Teacher: Gretchen Hanson
Life Stage: Multi-gen Senior Women
Room: Large Conference Room (128)
Class Size: 15This senior adult women’s study uses the Explore the Bible curriculum. Featuring a group discussion format, everyone is encouraged to make comments and ask questions.
Teacher: Glen Thompson
Life Stage: Adults, 75+
Room: 137
Class Size: 30
This class features senior adults in their 70’s–80’s +. Each session includes scripture readings, a lesson, and a time for questions and discussion. -
Teacher: Karlyn Fedora
Life Stage: Adult Women 50s – 70s+
Room: 138
Class Size: 24This class of senior adult ladies includes and welcomes younger women and uses the Explore the Bible curriculum each week. Studies include lessons through every Old and New Testament book in a 9-year cycle.
Teacher: Frank Murphy
Life Stage: Adults , 80s+
Room: 136 A
Class Size: 24This class of senior adult couples and singles works through Explore the Bible curriculum with a rotation of teachers and a variety of styles—lecture, discussion, Q&A.
Teachers: Joyce, Kling, Springfield
Life Stage: Adult Men, 80s+
Room: 135
Class Size: 12This traditional Bible study is open to all who desire to participate in the “business” of sharing Jesus. Each lesson is streamed live online via Facebook: @fbcbryanbmbc.
Special Needs
Teacher: Pat Dennis
Life Stage: Hearing Impaired
Room: Small Conference Room (131)
Class Size: 6
This class is designed to provide a GroupLife experience to those who are hearing impaired. -
Teacher: Renny Boase, Glenda Ransom
Life Stage: Special Needs
Room: 244
Class Size: 6
This class is designed to provide a GroupLife experience for adults with special needs.
Maestros: Nivea Lozada & Diana Gomez
Salón: FH 120C¡Dios cambia vidas! Un verdadero encuentro con Jesús deja una marca para siempre en aquellos que buscan a Jesús, así como aconteció en la vida del apóstol Pablo. Toda la trayectoria de su vida cambió al rendirse a Jesús, el Salvador del mundo.
Maestros: Sam & Joyce Allen
Salón: FH 120FLos temas que estamos aprendiendo en esta clase este año son sobre: la envidia, el contentamiento, la importancia del compañerismo, sobre la amistad, y como ser un promotor de la paz.
Maestros: Rosy Luna
Salón: FH 120EEsta clase es el comienzo para personas que inician su caminar con Jesús. Los temas que se tratan tienen que ver con: la salvación, viviendo en el Espíritu, oración y otros. Con gozo anticipamos tenerte en esta clase.
Maestra: Jenny Sáenz & Jaquéline Zavala
Salón: FH 120DEn esta clase nos sumergiremos en lo esencial del mensaje de la Biblia que gira en torno a la vida y la persona y enseñanzas de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Examinaremos la misión de Jesús como portador de las buenas nuevas de salvación y veremos cómo sus milagros y enseñanzas señalan a una íntima relación con Dios.
Maestra: Teo Cisneros & Eric Centeno
Salón: Modular 4BUna iglesia auténtica analiza lo que dice el Nuevo Testamento sobre la naturaleza de la iglesia. Al examinar la vida y obra de Jesús, somos llamados a responder a quien es Él negándonos a nosotros mismos en Él y siguiéndolo diariamente.
Maestros: Sandra Cisneros & Sergio Carrera
Salón: FH 120B
En esta clase conoceremos la invitación que Jesús nos extiende a identificarnos con Él. Comprenderemos el propósito del sacrificio de Su muerte y el poder de Su resurrección. -
Maestro: Ociel Carrillo
Salón: FH 120GHEn esta clase aprenderemos sobre el desafío a compartir la misión de Jesús porque la verdad sobre Él es demasiado grande para guardárnosla solo para nosotros.
Sundays 11:30 am
Our teachers engage preschoolers and children in age-graded, developmentally appropriate teaching and activities to help them experience God and His Word. Families will check their kids in at the computer kiosk and follow department safety protocols before entering their classrooms.
Kids Ministry Staff: Jay Miller
2nd Floor: K – 6th GradeKids Grouplife (Grades 4-6)
Rooted Worship (Grades K-3)
Staff: Ethan Getrost
Matt’s House (Youth Building)
During each Sunday morning GroupLife hour, students are broken into small groups by gender and grade to study and discuss the lesson of the week with adult youth workers.
Staff: John Davison
College Life Space Rm 172Our college students meet for brunch and fellowship, followed by interactive teaching and small group discussion. This is great way to get connected to our group, build friendships, grow in your knowledge of who Jesus is and be challenged to live your life on mission.
Teacher: Jason Whisenant
Life Stage: Singles, 22-35
Room: Loft A&B -
Teacher: Greta Calvary, Steve Hnatt, Lance Swigert
Life Stage: Formerly-Married, Single Parents
Room: 272
Teacher: Matt Ferguson
Life Stage: Parents of Preschoolers & Kids
Room: 270 -
Teacher: James Inmon
Life Stage: Parents of Youth
Room: 170 -
Teacher: Jeff Turner & Oliver Thoma
Life Stage: Coed, 20s-60s+
Room: 271This multi-generational, adult, coed class seeks the power of the Gospel to transform their lives. Each week, the Bible study gives focus on how to abide in Jesus and become more like Him each day of the week.
Median (40s – 55+)
Teacher: Harper Hans & Nancy Taylor
Life Stage: 20s – 60s+
Room: 240This multi-generational adult women’s class uses the Gospel Project curriculum to walk through the scriptures in 3 years. Each week, the group gives focus on seeing Jesus in all of scripture, abiding in Him, and being transformed into His likeness.
Teacher: Mike Lang & Marc Malone
Life Stage: Coed 40s – 55+
Room: 231
Seniors (55+)
Teacher: Bob Turner & Mark Whitfield
Life Stage: Coed 55+
Room: 136A