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Women on Mission

Women on Mission (WOM) at First Baptist Bryan is an advocacy group of women and men promoting Missions in our City, Nation and World. WOM meets the fourth Tuesday of every month and features a Missions presentation from missionaries, nonprofits and denominational ministries. In addition they support on-going missional projects.

We are seekers after truth, seekers of the knowledge of God and seekers of paths of service to our Savior.

WOM participates in weeks of prayer that align with Lottie Moon (International Mission Board), Annie Armstrong (North American Mission Board) and Mary Hill Davis (Texas Missions) and the World Mission Offering, which is an annual giving event at First Baptist Bryan that supports denominational missions and other projects. 

List of monthly meetings – topic/presenter and project

August 27, 2024
Women’s Missions Tea. A special celebration of FBC Bryan’s mission endeavors with a light lunch and inspiring stories of impact.
Speaker- Hannah Bryant

September 24, 2024
September is Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Month, and Nancy Conlin will be our speaker on this topic. Since the Mary Hill Davis Week of Prayer is also September, our project will be a love offering for the BGCT’s Counseling Ministry for pastors and families.

October 22, 2024
Program – CARE Portal/BCS Together – Speakers Summer Palmer and Cortney Ferguson
Project – Toys for BCS Together

November 19, 2024
Program – Missionary Speaker 
Project – Week of Prayer for International Missions

January 28, 2025
Program  Sleep in Heavenly Peace
Project – Pillows, sheets, or love gift for Sleep in Heavenly Peace

February 25, 2025
Program – Panel Discussion with MKs (Missionary Kids)
Project – Love gift for MKs on the panel

March 25, 2025
Program – Water Day is March 22 – Program Sharon from Hydroponics (AG Farms)
Project – Pure Water, Pure Love donations

April 29, 2025
Program – Kairos – Speaker George Faulkner
Project – Love Gift – possibly pack cookies for Kairos meeting

May 27, 2024
Program – World Fair Trade emphasis – speakers from Bee Community
Project – Donation for Bee Community

Meeting Schedule: Meetings are generally held at 10:30 am on the fourth Tuesday of each month except December, June, and July.  Notice of any changes will be made in the notice sent each month to those in this yearbook.

  • Kitchen staff will prepare monthly lunch for $7.  Reservations are made with Sarah Cargill, Missions Assistant –
  • Volunteers are needed to set up, decorate, and clean up for each meeting, so please sign up with Marvella Thompson.