The Great Egg Drop
First Baptist Bryan
A free helicopter egg drop with 65,000 candy filled eggs! Bring your Easter baskets or feel free to use the provided Easter bags! Join us for donuts after the drop.
Eggs will drop at 10:30 AM.
For Children ages Pre-k through 4th grade!
First Baptist Bryan, 3100 Cambridge Dr, Bryan, TX 77802
(Signage will direct you to our adjacent property behind Walmart)
Easter Sunday Celebrations: March 31
Traditional Service: 8 AM in the Worship Center
Traditional Service: 9:15 AM in the Worship Center
The Great Egg Drop: 10:30 AM in the field behind Walmart
Contemporary Services: 11:15 AM in both the Worship Center and College Life Space
Spanish Service: 11:15 AM in the Fellowship Hall