Holy Week

Palm Sunday
Worship with us on Palm Sunday at First Baptist Bryan! Traditional Service: 8:45 AM in the Worship Center Contemporary Services: 11:15 AM in both the Worship Center and College Life Space Spanish Service: 11:15 AM in the Fellowship Hall
Good Friday
This contemplative service focuses on Jesus’ crucifixion and His final moments here on Earth.
Easter Sunday
Celebrate Easter Sunday at First Baptist Bryan! Traditional Service: 8 AM in the Worship Center Traditional Service: 9:15 AM in the Worship Center The Great Egg Drop: 10:30 AM in the field behind Walmart Contemporary Services: 11:15 AM in both the Worship Center and College Life Space Spanish Service: 11:15 AM in the Fellowship Hall
Maundy Thursday
Come experience the reflective service of Maundy Thursday as we partake in the Lord’s Supper as a congregation. This service highlights Jesus’ final night with His disciples, the new commandment that He gave, as well as the final supper that He experienced with them.
Holy Week Luncheons
Join us in the Fellowship Hall during the noon hour Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for a time of fellowship and teachings. The teachings of Dr. Delvin Atchison walk us through Jesus Christ’s word and life leading up to His death and resurrection.
Gospel Gala
This worship-filled event will feature good old fashioned gospel music performed by our Traditional Choir, Orchestra, soloists and special guest artist Adam Paul Williams. This program will kick off Holy Week with meaningful music that depicts the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The Great Egg Drop
A free helicopter egg drop with 65,000 candy filled eggs! Bring your Easter baskets or feel free to use the provided Easter bags! Join us for donuts after the drop. Eggs will drop at 10:30 AM. For Children ages Pre-k through 4th grade! ONLY CHILDREN MAY PARTICIPATE. First Baptist Bryan, 3100 Cambridge Dr, Bryan, TX […]